Have you ever wanted to care for a pet, but weren—t able to permanently? C.A.R.E. has just the opportunity for you! Take a dog, cat, or litter home with you to give them a vacation from the [...]
Colorado Animal Rescue is seeking a new Operations Manager to fill a fun and rewarding position on our Leadership Team. The Operations Manager oversees the shelter as team leader, creator of [...]
Kittens, kittens, and more kittens! Below are some tips and resources to help you feel prepared. Beat the Heat Spay/neuter cats before kitten season Call us for $50 discount spay/neuter vouchers [...]
Spring is in the air at C.A.R.E. and we’re celebrating with 1/2 price adoption fees for the month of April! Check out all our adoptable pets by clicking the links below. [...]
Colorado Animal Rescue is seeking a Volunteer Coordinator to fill a fun and rewarding position on our team. The Volunteer Coordinator oversees the volunteer program, assists with events, and [...]
Did you know that 20% of the phone calls the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) receives is regarding pets who—ve ingested human medications? (Radar, 1 year 8 months old, neutered male, mixed [...]