Our volunteer program and court-ordered community service program are separate. If you need to complete court-ordered community service hours, please fill out the application below after reading the following:


  • Community service at C.A.R.E. will only be approved for individuals that can be trusted around vulnerable animals. Any service requested by violent offenders will be rejected. 
  • The primary tasks for service involve cleaning. Direct interaction with animals is not guaranteed or mandatory. Failure to perform cleaning projects to a satisfactory level may result in removal from the program. 
  • All service hours begin at 8am. If you are unable to arrive at this time, you will not be able to complete your hours at C.A.R.E. 
  • If you arrive over thirty minutes late for your scheduled shift, you won’t be permitted to complete any hours that day. 
  • If you are unable to come on a day you’ve been scheduled, you must call in advance. Each community service individual receives three strikes for missing (or arriving late for) scheduled shifts. After the third strike, you will be removed from the program. 
  • Community Service is scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis. A weekly recurring schedule/availability is preferred. C.A.R.E. is not responsible for ensuring that you are able to complete all ordered service hours prior to your deadline. 
  • If you disobey safety rules, you will be removed from the program. 
  • If you are not 16 years of age or older you must be accompanied by an adult at all times for safety reasons. 
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