Feeling Exotic? Adopt a Bunny!
Did you know, on average, C.A.R.E. receives around 100 exotic animals a year!? That—s right, in addition to dogs and cats, we care for birds, hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, ferrets, chickens, iguanas, and rabbits. While we try our best to get these small companions a home quickly, we often find some have extended stays at the shelter. Beverly and Butters, two of our adoptable rabbits have been at the shelter for nearly four months. These cute fluff balls are great pets and we can—t figure out why they haven—t found their forever homes. If you are unfamiliar with rabbits, one great thing about them is that are litterbox trained (that—s right!). Rabbits are fairly neat creatures and are happy to go in a litterbox. In addition, rabbits are super smart. They can learn their names, do tricks, and even come when called. While rabbits have a propensity for mischief, they can be easily entertained by new toys, food games, and social interactions. Where does one keep a rabbit? We think bunnies make great indoor pets but we suggest having both an indoor and outdoor enclosure for your bun. Imagine a bunny jumping on your couch or hoping around while you make dinner. Doesn’t that sound great!? Beverly and Butters are very social and would love to be part of your family. Call the staff to learn more about them!

Beverly & Sam